Help - COVID-19

DBA as a Service is Open for Business

DBA as a Service is monitoring the COVID situation carefully and updating policies as necessary to maintain safety.

All reference guidelines can be found on the Government website here:

As with all other businesses, a number of changes to routine are currently necessary and these include the following:

Site Visits

  • DBA as a Service is primarily a remote-hands operation, so changes here are limited
  • Where a pre-sales meeting or engagement would have been arranged in person, these will now be conducted over video call where possible or voice call with remote access software such as TeamViewer or your own if you have a preference
  • Where possible, all short-term engagements will be conducted in the same way
  • Site visits will only be organised in exceptional circumstances and be planned with strict adherance to all measures advised by the Government

Opening Times/Available Hours

DBA as a Service fits scheduled work around customer needs. This is not currently impacted by the COVID-19 situation.

If you have any DBA shortages due to COVID-19 related or other absences, feel free to get in touch. We can assist where necessary and hand back to your regular team on their return.

The Future

We continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust where necessary.

Although the Government are easing lockdown to restart the economy, it's clear COVID-19 has not gone away. Staff, supplier and customer safety remain our top priority.

We're all too aware of the financial impact this crisis is having and will have for years to come. If we can help squeeze performance out of your existing infrastructure, it may save or delay a sizeable investment in an upgrade project. We want to see your business survive and thrive as much as you do.

Stay safe and see you soon.
